Tore Linné Eriksen gir oss ei annerledes vårliste for alle som vil bli kloke og radikale, og som leser bøker på engelsk.
Norske forlag legger i disse dager fram sine vårlister, og som vanlig er de ganske beskjedne når det gjelder fagprosa som handler om de store spørsmål: den globale kapitalismens krise, ødelegginga av vår felles klode, en stadig mer uttalt rasisme og alternative måter å forstå samfunnet på. Det er jo fortsatt så mange bøker som må utgis om tv-kjendiser, ikke altfor kjente politikere, mental selvhjelp, fancy mat og den andre verdenskrigen. Og ytterst sjelden blir det oversatt spennende faglitteratur.
For lesere som ikke har noe imot å gi seg i kast med engelskspråklig litteratur, har jeg snust litt i vårlistene til en del av de forlag som vanligvis har mye å by på, i første rekke Verso Books, Pluto Press, Zed Books og Haymarket. Men det er også drøssevis av andre forlag som utgir spennende bøker det er mye å lære av. Sida det i mai er både 50-årsjubileum for 1968 og 200-årsmarkering for Karl Marx, kommer det også godt fram på listene. Det samme gjelder bøker med rasisme som tema. Av plasshensyn har jeg utelatt mer spesialisert litteratur om enkeltland og geografiske regioner. De aller fleste bøkene er overkommelige i pris, dvs. paperback, men det er noen unntak.
I og med at bøkene ikke har kommet ennå, bygger denne lista altså ikke på titler jeg har lest eller trygt kan anbefale. Noen er sikkert bomskudd. Men jeg har en viss erfaring med å vurdere på bakgrunn av forlag, tema eller forfatternavn, så jeg tar sjansen.
Hvis noen vil supplere, send meg gjerne en epost:
Gjettekonkurranse: Hvor mange (eller få) av disse bøkene blir oversatt til norsk?
Abidor, Mitchell. May made me: An oral history of the 1968 uprising in France. London: Pluto Press, 2/18
Abujbara, Juman (red.). Beautiful rising. Creative resistance from the Global South. London: Or Books, 3/18.
Ali, Tariq. Permanent counter-revolution. The assault on equality, liberty and solidarity. London: Verso, 9/18.
Ali, Tariq. Street-fighting years. An autobiography of the Sixties. London: Verso, 3/18
Ali, Tariq. The extreme centre. A second warning. London: Verso, 4/18. (2. Utg.).
Asimakopoulos, John & Richard Gilman-Opalsky. Against capital in the twenty-first century. A reader of radical undercurrents. Pennsylvania: Temple University Press, 2/18.
Bailey, David J. Protest movements and parties on the left. Boulder, Co: Rowman & Littlefield, 4/18.
Barker, Jason. Marx returns. London: Zero Books, 2/18.
Bell, Dorian. Globalizing race. Anti-Semitism and empire in French and European culture. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 3/18.
Bhattacharyya, Gargi. Racial capitalism. Boulder, Co: Rowman & Littlefield, 6/18
Bhopal, Kalwant. White privilege. The myth of a post-racial society. Bristol: Policy Press, 2/18.
Blumi, Isa. Destroying Yemen. What chaos in Arabia tells us about the world. Berkeley: University of California Press.1/18.
Brand, Ulrich & Markus Wissen. The limits of capitalist nature. Theorizing and overcoming the imperial mode of living. London: Policy Network/Rowman & Littlefield, 3/18.
Brantlinger, Patrick. Barbed wire. Capitalism and the enclosure of the common. London: Routledge, 1/18.
Brazil, Kevin mfl. Doris Lessing and the forming of history. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2/18.
Brooks, Richard. Bean counters. The triumph of the accountant and how they broke capitalism. London: Atlantic Books, 4/18.
Cahill, Damin & Martjin Konings. Neoliberalism. (Key concepts). Oxford: Polity, 10/17
Carver, Terrell. Marx (Classic thinkers). Oxford: Polity, 1/18
Cesari, Jocelyne. What is political islam? Boulder, Co: Lynne Rienner., 18.
Chakrabarty, Bidyut. Left radicalism in India. London: Routledge, 2/18.
Chakrabati, Susan. Of women in the 21st century. London: Penguin, 3/18 (pbk.)
Chandrasekhar. C. P. Karl Marx’s ‘Capital’ and the present. Four essays. London: Tulika Books, 5/18.
Chen Jian mfl. (red.). The Routledge handbook of the global sixties. Between protest and nationbuilding. London: Routledge, 2/18.
Claeys, Gregory. Marx and marxism. London: London: Allen Lane/Pelican. 4/2018.
Cottrell, Robert C. og Blaine T. Browne. 1968: The rise and fall of the new American revolution. Boulder, Co: Rowman & Littlefield, 5/18.
Custers Peter. Questioning globalized militarism. Nuclear and military production and critical economic theory. New Delhi: Tulika Books, 1/18. (Forord: Samir Amin).
D’Mello, Bernard. India after Naxalbari. Unfinished history. New York: Monthly Review Press, 6/18.
Dale, Gareth. Karl Polanyi. A life on the left. London: Columbia University Press, 2/18.
Dan La Botz. What went wrong? The Nicaraguan revolution. A Marxist analysis. Chicago; Haymarket, 11/18
Das, Raju J. Marxist class theory for a skeptical world. Chicago: Haymarket, 4/18.
Davidson, Neil. As radical as reality itself. Marxism and tradition. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 5/18.
Deenen, Patrick. Why liberalism failed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1/18.
Disch. Lisa & Mary Hawkesworth (red.). The Oxford handbook of feminist theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2/18. (pbk.).
Drayton, Richard. Masks of empire. The world history underneath modern empires and nations. Ca. 1500 to the present. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1/18.
Dumenil, Gerard & Dominique Lévy. Managerial capitalism. Ownerships, management and the coming new mode of production. London: Pluto Press, 3/18
Eagleton. Terry. Why Marx was right. Boston: Yale University Press, 3/18. (pbk, 2., rev. utg.).
Elbaum, Max. Revolution in the air. Sixties radicals turn to Lenin, Mao and Che. London: Verso, 2/18.
Eltchaninoff, Michel. Inside the mind of Marine Le Pen. London: C. Hurst & Co., 2/18.
El-Saadawi, Nawal. A daughter of Isis. The early life of Nawal El Saadawi, London: Zed Books, 5/18.
Engelhard, Tom. A nation unmade by war. Bombing the rubble in the age of Trump.
Fan Shigang. Striking to survive (China). Chicago: Haymarket 5/18
Fanon, Frantz. Alienation and freedom. (red. Jean Khalfa.). London: Bloomsbury, 3/18.
Faulkner. Neil. A radical history of the world. London: Pluto Press, 9/18.
Fekete, Elizabeth. Europe’s fault lines. Racism and the rise of right. London: Verso, 1/18
Ferguson, Iain. Politics of the mind. Marxism and mental distress. London: Bookmarks, 12/17.
Fernandes, Leela. Feminists rethink the neoliberal state. Inequality, exclusion, and change. New York: New York University Press, 1/18
Finkelstein, Norman G. Gaza. An inquest into its martyrdom. Oakland, CA: og University of California Press, 1/18.
Fischer, Andrew. Poverty as ideology. Rescuing social justice from global development agenda. London: Zed Books, 1/18.
Fraser, Nancy & Rahel Jaeggi. Capitalism. Oxford: Polity 5/18
Fraser, Steve. Class matters: The strange career of an American delusion. Boston: Yale University Press, 3/18.
Friends of the earth. Why women will save the planet. London: Zed Books, 3/18.
Godfrey, Pheobe & Denise Torres (red.). Systemic crisis of global climate. Intersections of race, class and gender. London: Routledge, 1/18.
Greenfield, Adam. Radical technologies. The design of everyday life. London: Verso, 5/18.
Griffin, Robert. Fascism. (Key concepts in political theory). Oxford: Polity Press, 3/18.
Haddad, Toufic. Palestine Ltd. London: I. B. Tauris, 2/18. (pbk.)
Halliwell, Martin & Nick Whitham (red.). Reframing 1968. American politics, protest and identity. Oxford: Polity Press, 2/18.
Hanchard, Michael. G. The spectre of race. How discrimination haunts Western democracy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 5/18.
Hannah, Simon. A party with socialists in it. A history of the Labour left. London: Pluto Press, 2/18.
Harcourt, Bernhard E. The counterrevolution. How our government went to war against itys own citizens. New York: Basic Books, 2/18.
Harris, Christopher. Mexico ’68 in cultural memory. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 6/18.
Hickel, Jason. The divide. Global inequality from conquest to free markets. New Yorkon: W.W. Norton, 2/18 (pbk.).
Hopkins, A. G. American empire. A global history. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2/18.
Irwin, Robert. Ibn Khaldoun. An intellectual biography. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2/18.
Jerome, Fred. The Einstein file. The BI’s secret war against the world’s most famous scientist. Quebec: Baraka Books, 5/18.
Judge, Edward H. & John W. Langdon. The struggle against imperialism. Anti-colonialism and the Cold War. Boulder, Co: Rowman & Littlefield, 6/18.
Kiely, Ray. The neoliberal paradox. London: Edward Elgar, 3/18.
Kingstone, Peter. The political economy of Latin America. Reflections on neoliberalism and development after the commodity boom. London: Routledge, 3/18.
Klaas, Brian. The despots’ accomplice. How the West is aiding and abetting the decline of democracy. London: C. Hurst & Co., 2/18.
Klimke, Martin. 1968. On the edge of revolution. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 2/18.
Koothari, Ashis mfl. (red.). The post-develoment dictionary. London: Zed Books, 4/18.
Ladany, Laszlo. The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-1985. A self-portrait. London: C. Hurst & Co., 2/18.
Lean, Nathan. The islamophobia industry. London: Pluto Press, 11/17
Lewis, Simon. The human planet. How we created the anthropocene. Boston: Yale University Press, 3/18.
Lewis. Simon. The anthropocene. A Pelican introduction. London: Allen Lane/Pelican, 3/18.
Lieberman, Benjamin & Elizabeth Gordon. Climate change on human history. Prehistory to the present. London: Bloomsbury, 1/18.
Macklin, Graham. White racial nationalism in Britain. A history. London: Routledge, 1/18.
Malm, Anders. The progress of this storm. On society and mature in a warming world. London: Verso, 1/18.
Maouffe, Chantal. For a left populism. London: Verso, 7/18
Marik, Soma. Revolutionary democracy. Emancipation in classical Marxism. Chicago: Haymarket, 1/18.
Marriott, David. Whither Fanon? Studies in the blackness of being. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 6/18.
Marso, Lori Jo. Politics with Beauvoir. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2018.
Mason, Mike. Turbulent empires. A history of global capitalism since 1945. Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press, 5/18.
Massoumi, Narzanin mfl. What is islamophobia? London: Pluto Press, 7/17
McAdams, James. Vanguard of the revolution. The global idea of the communist party. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 10/17.
McCoy, Alfred W. In the shadow of the American century. The rise and decline of US global power. London: Oneworld Publishers, 1/2018.
Mike Davis. Old Gods,new enigmas. Marx’ lost theory. London: Verso, 4/18
Mikler, John. The political power of global corporations. Oxford: Polity Press, 12/17.
Miles, Rosalind. The women’s history of the modern world. All you want to know, from 1800 to the present. London: Virago Press, 4/18 (reprint).
Mobo Gao, Constructing China: Clashing views of the People’s Republic. London: Pluto Press, 5/18.
Monbiot, George. Out of the wreckage. A new politics for an age of crisis. London Verso, 5/18, (pbk.).
Moody, Kim. On new terrain. How capital is reshaping the battleground of class revolution. Chicago: Haymarket, 1/18.
Moore, Jason mfl. (red.). Capitalism’s ecologies. Culture, power, and crisis in the 21st century. Oakland: PM Publishers, 4/18.
Morris, Bonnie J. The feminist revolution. The struggle for women´s liberation. New York: Smithsonian Books, 3/18.
Mudge. Stephanie L. Leftism reinvented. Western parties from socialism to neoliberalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 5/18.
Murphy, Richard. Dirty secrets. Tax havens destroy the economy. London: Verso, 54/18.
Musto, Marcello. Another Marx. Early manuscripts to the International. London: Bloomsbury, 5/18.
Musto, Marcello. The formation of Marx’ “Capital”. London: Pluto Press, 7/18
Nancy Fraser mfl. On the crisis of capitalism. Freiburg: Verlag Alber Karl, 5/2018.
Navidi, Sandra. SuperHubs. How the financial elite and their networks rule the world. London: Nicholas Brealey, 1/2018.
Nixon, Jon. Rosa Luxemburg and the struggle for democratic revival. London: Pluto Press, 4/18
Nowack, Jörg mfl. (red.). Workers’ movements and strikes in the 21st century. London: Policy Network/Rowman & Littlefield, 4/18.
Pagis, Julie. May ’68. Shaping political generations. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 6/18.
Palmer, Bryan D. Marxism and historical practice. Interventions and appreciations. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 3/18. (vol. 2).
Panitch, Leo (red.). Class, party, revolution. A Socialist Register reader. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 8/18.
Pappe, Ilan. Israel. London: Taylor & Francis, 11/17.
Parker, Ian. Revolutionary keywords for a new left. London: Zero Books, 12/17.
Pelz, William A. A people’s history of the German revolution, 1918-1919. London: Pluto Press, 2/18
Peretti, Jaques. The deals that made the world. Reckless ambition, backroom negotiations, and hidden truths of business .New York: Morrow/HarperCollins, 3/18.
Pilling, David. The growth delusion. The wealth and well-being of nations. London: Bloomsbury, 1/18.
Porter, Cathy (red.). Alexandra Kollontai. Writings from the struggle. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 4/18.
Reid, Donald & Daniel J. Sherman. May ’68. Durham: Duke University Press, 4/18.
Reid, Donald M. & Daniel J. Sherman (red.). May ’68. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 4/18.
Rodney, Walter. 1917: The Russian revolution. London: Verso Books, 7/18.
Roussopoulos, Dimitri. Political ecology. System change, not climate change. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 4/18.
Roy, Olivier. In search of the lost Orient. An interview. New York: Columbia University Press, 8/17.
Saad-Filho, Alfredo og Lecio Morais. Brazil. Neoliberalism versus democracy. London: Pluto Press, 1/18.
Sassen, Saskia. Expulsions. Brutality and complexity in the global economy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 6/18.
Satgar, Wishwas. The solidarity economy alternative. Durban: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 4/18.
Schierup, Carl-Ulrik. Politics of precarity. Migrant conditions, struggles and experiences. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 1/18.
Shane Burley. Fascism today. What it is and how to end it. Edinburgh: AK Press, 12/17.
Slobodian, Quinn. Globalists. The end of empire and the birth of neoliberalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 3/18.
Snellinger, Amanda Therese. Making New Nepal. From student activism to mainstream politics. Washington: University of Washington Press, 3/18.
St. Clair, Jeffrey & Joshua Frank. Heatstroke. Earth on the brink. New York: Counterpunch, 3/18.
Standing, Guy. The corruption of capitalism. Why rentiers thrive and work does not pay. London: Biteback Publishing, 2/18.
Taibo II, Paco Igacio. ’68. The Mexican autumn of the Tlatelolco massacre. New York: Seven Stories Press, 8/18,
Taylor, Marcus & Sebastian Rioux. Global labour studies. Polity Press,1/18.
Thatcher, Ian D. Trotsky. London: Taylor & Francis, 1/18 (2. utg.).
Tolokonnikova, Nadya. Rules for rulebreakers. A Pussy Riot guide to revolution. San Fransisco: HarperOne, 3/18.
Turda, Marius & Maria Sophia Quine. Historicizing race. London: Continuum, 2/18.
Uetrich Micah (red.). Rebuilding workers’ power. A Jacobin collection. Haymarket, 6/18
Vinen, Richard. The long ’68. Radical protest and its enemies. London: Allen Lane, 5/18.
Wainwright, Hilary. A new politics from the left. Oxford: Polity Press, 2/18.
Ward, Geoffrey Ward & Ken Burns. The Vietnam war. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 9/17. (Til TV-serien).
Wayne Au. A Marxist education. Chicago: Haymarket, 5/18
Webster, Edward mfl. (red.). Crossing the divide. Precarious work and the future of labour. Durban: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, 2017.
Weingraff, Lee. Extracting profit. Imperialism, neoliberalism and the new scramble for Africa. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2/18.
Wendling, Mike. Alt-right. From 4chan to the White House. London: Pluto Press, 3/18.
White, Ben. Cracks in the wall. Beyond apartheid I Palestine/Israel. Pluto Press, 4/18
Wolfreys, Jim. Republic of Islamophobia. The rise of respectable racism in France. London C. Hurst & Co., 2/18.
Wright, Teresa. Popular protest in China. Oxford: Polity Press, 6/18.
Yates, Michael D. Can the working class change the world? New York: Monthly Review Press, 8/18.
Yudell, Michael. Race unmasked. Biology and race in the twentieth–century. New York: Columbia University Press, 5/18.
Zhun Xu. From commune to capitalism. How China’ peasants lost collective farming and gained urban poverty. New York: Monthly Review Press, 6/18.
PS: Jeg har gode erfaringer med å bestille bøker fra De er kjappe, pålitelig og sender alt fraktfritt.
Tja, denne her for eksempel som kommer i juni burde jo være relevant for oss her til lands i disse dager ettersom naboen er med i analysen ..
Stephanie L. Mudge: «Leftism Reinvented: Western Parties from Socialism to Neoliberalism»
«Left-leaning political parties play an important role as representatives of the poor and disempowered. They once did so by promising protections from the forces of capital and the market’s tendencies to produce inequality. But in the 1990s they gave up on protection, asking voters to adapt to a market-driven world. Meanwhile, new, extreme parties began to promise economic protections of their own – albeit in an angry, anti-immigrant tone.
To better understand today’s strange new political world, Stephanie L. Mudge’s Leftism Reinvented analyzes the history of the Swedish and German Social Democrats, the British Labour Party, and the American Democratic Party ..»