Viktor Melin. Foto: Expo

The jailed Nazi leader took extreme measures to cope with his porn addiction.

By Joakim Møllersen

The Swedish regional leader of the Nazi terrorist group Den nordiska motståndsrörelsen, Nordic Resistance Movement, has recently made headlines again. Viktor Melin is charged with for the bomb attack against a book café, Syndikalistisk Forum, with ties to a syndicalist worker’s union. The evidence against the Melin are strong. His DNA has been found both on the bicycle where the explosives were planted and on the shattered pieces of the bomb.

Nordic Resistance Movement has a long and bloody history of violent assaults against minorities, anti-racists and the Left. On friday, however, it was Viktor Melin’s act of brutal force against himself that caught the attention.

The amputation
When formal charges were made, records of the interrogation of Melin, conducted by the Swedish Security Service, were opened for the public. There the
Swedish online newspaper Aktuellt Fokus found quite a surprise. In a desperate attempt to cope with his addiction for online porn the Nazi bomb man amputated his own finger to punish himself for lack of discipline, when finding himself in front of the computer with adult material filling the screen.

— What has happened to your finger? The interrogation leader asked Melin.
— My finger? replied Melin.
— Yes.
— Well, I chopped it off with an axe.

See the whole conversation here

Honesty in the face of addiction
He then goes on to elaborate on how he had made a promise to himself to cut of a finger if he could not stay true to his promise of staying away from what he was addicted to. He adds that he prefers to be honest so that the interrogators would not believe his cut off finger had anything to do with the bombing, which he denies.

— It can be a good thing being hard on yourself, the Nazi leader says.

— To a certain degree, might be, replies one of the interrogators before his colleague give the suspect some comforting words.

— Well, you still have several fingers left.

— Yeah, it’ll have to do. I’ll get along without it.

— This was quite recently, was it?

— Yes, this weekend.

Might sound sick
A common theory among right wing extremists is that porn is a Jewish conspiracy to tempt people of European heritage to mate with people of other “races” or of the same sex. Many Nazis perceive porn to be a tool for breaking down the morals of Western civilization and culture so that Jewish world domination, which they believe is an actual thing, can be consolidated and established more easily. The reasons for Melin’s staunch wish to break out of his porn habits are not mentioned in the conversation.

Melin tells the officers that he has lied to his friends about the missing finger, saying it had been caused by an accident.

— You are the first people to hear this. Because, yeah it might sound sick in other people’s eyes (sic) so, or well, I’ve told people it was an accident.

Prefers to help himself
Due to the procedures of the Swedish prosecution process the secret has not stayed safe. Even less so after it caught interest internationally and became the
issue of an article in the neighbouring country of Norway. Only after being asked what his addiction was Melin opens up completely.

— Errr, pornography, he answers.

— On the internet?

— Yeah, precisely.

— That’s an addiction like any other.

— Yes, yes, oh my god! That’s excactly what it is.

— But you can get help with that as well, the interrrogator says.

— Yeah, yeah. But I have managed this myself. I succeeded in quitting this for quite a while so I will do it again.

— It’s awfully easy to get a relapse though, it’s just a matter of being exposed to the internet, the representative for the Swedish Security Sevices injects.

— Yeah, I know. That’s what I did. But you have to be aware of the addiction.

Even though the Nazi leader does not seem to have convinced Swedish authorities of his innocence, as his status has changed from suspect to indicted in the case, he got the best of wishes towards the end of the interrogation.

— I hope you can handle it.

— Yes, i know will.

The upcoming trial will give us the answer to whether Viktor Melin’s plan of being honest about his addiction and self castigation works, hence giving his credibility a much needed boost.

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2 svar på “Nazi bomb man chopped off his own finger as punishment for watching porn”

  1. Ingen vil vel ha nazisme igjen slik det var på 30 og 40 tallet?
    Ekstremsosialisme er jo bare noe ditt!

  2. I think a little Nazism is good for you Swedes now that your country is full of parasitical human vermin.

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